Ellucian Documentation - Previous Versions
Test Product Name
This page includes previous versions of content from both the Documentation site and former Documentation libraries. Each product includes a compressed .zip file that contains the primary content set available for that version in PDF format in addition to other supporting documentation.
Supporting documentation
To find files that were previously attached to topics or categories on the Ellucian Documentation site, open the compressed file for the product you want and look for another compressed file where the file name is appended by "Attachment." For example, the Banner_General_9.3.20_enus.zip file contains the Banner_General_Release_Notes_9.3.20_Attachments.zip file.
Note that some compressed files also contain content upgrade information for supporting releases that correlate to the listed version. For the Banner product, Banner Admin (Banner 9) product releases include supporting documentation for updates to the database (versioned as 8.x-8.x.x.x). Content supporting database updates without a correlating Admin release are included with the following Banner Admin release where possible. For example, the compressed file for Banner Student Release 9.3.21 includes content for 9.3.21, the correlating 8.20.2 database release, and the standalone 8.20.1 database release.
Translated files
Where applicable, you can find translated documentation for content previously published to the Documentation libraries in a single compressed file for the associated release.